

Recovery project for the historic area of ​​Bassa Nova and its immediate surroundings: A Climate and Natural Refuge

The historic space on the outskirts of our city, traditional departure and arrival point for excursions by visitors and residents, is about to be reborn thanks to an ambitious recovery and naturalization project. This space, which for decades has witnessed the connection between the city and nature, will once again shine as a climatic refuge and a meeting place for all.

Naturalization of Space

One of the fundamental pillars of the project is the naturalization of the space. Native species have been planted that not only beautify the environment, but also help improve local biodiversity. This action creates habitats for fauna and flora, promoting a balanced and resilient ecosystem. The dirt roads and green areas invite you to stroll, breathe fresh air and enjoy the tranquility that nature offers.

Climate Refuge

With the effects of climate change becoming more and more present, it is essential to have spaces that offer climate shelter to citizens. This project includes the installation of shaded areas, drinking water fountains and strategically placed benches to provide rest and refreshment during the warmer months. The vegetation, in addition to providing shade, helps to reduce the temperature of the environment, creating a pleasant and healthy microclimate.

Permanent Public Space

Although the space will be closed at night to ensure its safety, it has been decided that the fence will not cover the entire area. Thus, a part is left as a permanent public space, accessible 24 hours a day. This open area invites citizens to enjoy the environment at any time, encouraging a responsible and conscious use of space.

Recovery of Historical Paths

One of the most exciting aspects of the project is the recovery of the historic paths. The border with the Pedrera del Cóbic path will be reinforced with a terrace that will allow you to rest and contemplate the views, creating a point of interaction and relaxation. At the other end, the Basa Nova path will be recovered, looking for the connection with the Boca de la Mina promenade. This recovery not only strengthens ties with our past, but also improves accessibility and connection between different parts of the city and its natural surroundings.

La Basa Nova: A Historical Element Recovered

Within the scope of the project, there is the historic Basa Nova, an old pond that in the past supplied the city with drinking and irrigation water. This emblematic element will be recovered, trying to restore its original visual appearance and museumizing certain elements to explain their historical and functional importance. In addition, a walkway will be installed there that will run over the sheet of water, offering an immersive experience that will allow visitors to get closer to the culture of water management. This educational walkway will have informative panels that will explain how the pond works and its historical relevance, thus promoting awareness and learning about sustainable water management among young and old.

A Sustainable Future

This recovery project is not only an investment in the physical space, but also in the quality of life of the citizens. With every step towards naturalization and the creation of climate shelters, we are building a more sustainable and healthy future for all. We invite the whole community to participate actively in this process, enjoying and respecting this space which is everyone’s heritage.

With an eye on the future, this renovated historic space will become a point of reference for leisure, environmental education and connection with nature, reaffirming our commitment to the preservation of the environment and the improvement of the well-being of our community.

Author Gallego Arquitectura | Architect Xavier Gallego | Location Reus | Promoter Aigües de Reus / Ajuntament de Reus | Installations Josep M. Delmuns | Collaborators Aleix Llorenç, Sònia Gonzàlez, Sergi Pinyol, Michele Terlizzi, Gemma Fornós, Gerard Feliu| Builder | Year 2023 – act.  | Area 3.882 m2 |