Architecture studio

objectives and strategies

Our aim is to find solutions that are sensitive to people, adapting ourselves to the socio-economic conditions of each person and their projected environment.

As an architecture studio, we provide our interventions with strategies aimed at making users the protagonists of our projects.

We provide answers and solutions based on the simplicity and utility of the spaces, using nearby materials that give meaning to the function and form of the architecture.

gallegoarquitectura was born in 2015 in the town of Riudoms. Then we opened an studio in the Redessa business centre in Reus and since 2020 we have been located in the city centre of Reus, Prim Square, 10.

At present, the architecture studio has the experience of eleven professionals in the field of architecture. A multi-disciplinary team prepared to take on all types of projects.


Armand Pons Architect | Aleix Llorenç Architect | Sònia Gonzalez Architect | Sergi Pinyol Architect | Michele Terlizzi Architect | Marc Roca Architect


Josep M. Delmuns Engineer     |     Iñaki Cacho Technical architect     |     Aleix Sanz Technical architect     |     Josep Cruset Technical architect     |     Maria Escoda Technical architect     |     Josep Lluís Serven Structurer     |     Àfrica Caserras Structurer     |     Albert Pujol Structurer     |     Windmill Structurer     |     Jordi Dalmau Topography     |     Geotec Geotechnical studies     |     Mediterrànea Geoserveis SL – Joan Racasens Geotechnical studies     |     Enric Vilalta Archaeological studies     |     Anna Zahonero Landscape studies     |     Vanessa Niubó Architect     |      Toni Ferré Architect     |Ivan Fernandez Architect     |     Jesús Martín Architect     |     Albert Ferré Architect     |     Joan Ferré Architect     |     Eloi Camacho Architect     |     Josep Ferrando Architect     |     David Recio Architect     |     Gabriel Bosques Architect     |     Oriol Llaurador Architect                            


International architecture competition Archmedium Finalist Camelot research & visitors center

Concurs internacional d’arquitectura Archmedium Menció París Market Lab

Guardons anells de la fusta Gremi de la fusta Guardonat interiorisme – Cafeteria la Raval

Premis Egurtek Menció interiorisme Cafeteria la Raval

Guardons anells de la fusta Gremi de la fusta Guardonat interiorisme – Cafeteria la Raval

Concurs públic 1er premi Centre Social El Roser

2n Premi Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU – Cap Jesús

Finalista Concurs Públic – Residència per a la gent gran a Vandellos i L’Hospitalet del infant


Guardons anells de la fusta Gremi de la fusta Guardonat interiorisme – Coworking studeo


Guanyadors Rambla Catalunya Ajuntament de Tortosa

Finalista Pavelló el Molinet a Reus

Finalista XII Bienal Alejandro de la sota categoria de rehabilitació –Casa FB

Guanyadors XII Bienal Alejandro de la Sota categoria de rehabilitació – Centre social el Roser

Finalista Premis FAD – Centre social el Roser

Estudis previs facultat de Medicina a Reus

Finalista Escola el Roser a El Poal

Finalista Premis Catalunya de la construcció – Centre social el Roser

Simon Architecture PrizeCentre social el Roser

Guardons Anells de la fusta Gremi de la fusta – Guardonat interiorisme – Casa JH

Finalista – Concurs Societat Obrera – Espai Sociocultural a Tivissa

Nominee  – Archdaily building of the year – Centre social el Roser

Nominat  – Archdaily obra del añoCasa FB

Finalistes  –  Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU – Escola 1L Gonçal Comellas d’Avinyonet de Puigventó

Finalistes  –  Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU – Reforma i ampliació del parc de Bombers de Reus

Selecionats – IX Premios de Arquitectura Ascensores EnorCentre social el Roser

Finalistes – XVI Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – Centre social el Roser

Finalistes – Ajuntament de Gavà – Noves picines municipals de Gavà

Guanyadors – Concurs públic Aigües de Reus – Projecte de recuperació de la Bassa Nova i el seu entorn

Guanyadors – Concurs públic Ajuntament de Cambrils – Redacció d’un projecte executiu d’implantació i construcció de l’edifici destinat a la brigada dels serveis municipals.

Nominats – EUMies AwardsCentre social el Roser

Xavier Gallego Seuba


sobre mi

Architect with a degree from Ramon Llull University in Barcelona.

He has worked in the architecture and urban planning area of Reus City Council during his architectural studies.

He spent a period at the Federal University of Architecture and Urban Planning of Viçosa  (UFV) in Brazil, with a scholarship from IASESTE. He worked there as a collaborating professor in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, teaching the subjects of Projects and Urban Planning.

He has also worked in the urban habitat department of the Barcelona City Council, specifically in the office of the head architect with Vicenç Guallart, Dr. Architect Jaume Barnada and architect Montse Domínguez.

He has collaborated in the office of the architect Gabriel Bosques.

He has collaborated in the office of the architect Joan Tous.